This mod added several buttons in chest GUI.

  • Sort: sort items by id, metadata, and quantity.
  • Refill: move same items (between chest and inventory) to chest.
  • Fill: move items from inventory to chest.
  • Dump: move items from chest to inventory.

Required HalpLibe in BTA version 7.1 and later.



Yes, you can use the sort chest mod on a server. However, the item might jump for a while after sorting because the mod will emulate mouse clicks rather than directly changing the inventory data.

Rebind keys?

  1. Open the mod menu (from ModMenu mod)
  2. Select "Sort Chest" mod from the left
  3. Click at ⚙️ icon on the right
  4. Rebind keys that you want

How does the sort chest mod sort items?

Items are sorted by their item ID (ascending), followed by its metadata (like wool color code, ascending), and finally by its quantity (descending).


Kudos to ressidell and andreiqwer for helping me migrate this mod to BTA v7.1!